Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay on The Educational Benefits of Video Games - 1300 Words

The Educational Benefits of Video Games The repetition of the statement claiming that video games do not help children in their educational enterprises is unfair. There have been numerous studies conducted providing evidence that children gain structural knowledge while engaging in video game play (Pillay 2002). Certainly, different styles of video games may produce different results. It is important for us to understand the different benefits from the various styles of games. Because students play a wide variety of games, they may have a repertoire of schemas with different information (Pillay 2002). Visual Skills A majority of the studies conducted discussed results regarding visual skills. The appreciation of visual†¦show more content†¦They compared them to student who played 10 hours of non-action video game. On all visual skills tests, action video gamers scored better than non-action video gamers (Chudler 2003). The experiments at the University of Rochester brought forth very promising information for the support of video gaming. In the May 29 issue of Nature, people who play action video games process visual information more quickly. They can track 30% more objects than non game players (Roach 2003). Boosting visual scores can improve dramatically after just 10 hours of playing action games (Cohen 2003). Thinking and Learning Skills Video games can be used as instructional tools as well. They have positive elements and add value; they create a micro world of their own. The players act based on natural tendencies towards learning. Therefore, learning occurs while playing (Rosas et al., 2003). Simulation, adventure, and role playing games are another type of video game that produces positive results in skill levels (Morgan 2003). Simulations games are widely used in training various areas: 1. Colleges and institutions use them for educational purposes. 2. Industries and businesses use computer simulations to train their employees and executives. 3. Common in military in helping learn military strategy. 4. Almost all pilots do some flightShow MoreRelatedVideo Games: More Beneficial Than We Thought Essay1693 Words   |  7 Pagesprocess of using game thinking and game mechanics to engage audiences according to Gabe Zichermann an educational gaming expert. Though its been said that video games cause laziness and violence in kids, we now know that video games can be a significant learning tool in early child development. Research has shown that video games help children with multitasking skills and can also increase fluid intelligence, which is the intelligence we use to solve problems (Zichermann). Video games may be more beneficialRead MoreThe Love of the Game: Video Games Essay977 Words   |  4 PagesThe Love of the Game Currently, video games are a part of the lives of nearly all children. 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